Category: Uncategorized

The Spread of Contagion

As the spread of Covid-19 inches closer towards being declared a pandemic, it’s fascinating to watch the communications. The phrase “going viral” is literally being played out in real time with the threat of an actual virus. Before people travelled…

The 350th Posting

Every year it’s always exciting for me to review my last 50 postings and see if any new themes or interests appeared. As I discussed in my 300th Posting, the first rule of my blog is that it’s my creative…

The VR Wars: Training

Read last week’s post here. Her first week of training, Rory was surprised how many hours she spent working out, almost the same amount of time dedicated to playing various combat video games. The games started out basic before ramping…

The VR Wars

“Whatever you do, don’t die.” The words echoed in Rory’s brain as she stood outside the non-descript building, her new place of employment. She drew in a long breath, filling her lungs with oxygen. This often helped to calm her…