Category: Uncategorized


The bell rang signaling the end of the school day. Finally! At last Pilton was free. He could stop learning about this “fake news” business. As if there was any real way for him to discern the difference. Every headline…

In the Mayor’s Chambers

“Honey, what should we print for dinner?” Snapper opened the cupboard and perused the options while waiting for a reply.  A row of jars filled with muted colored powders and pellets lined the shelves.  He picked up a jar containing a…

The 150th Posting

When I first started The Deletist, 150 postings ago, I had no idea what would happen or where it would take me.  One day in May 2013, while setting up my business, I had a strong feeling that I needed…

Technombie 4

Earlier segments here: Technombie 1, Technombie 2, Technombie 3. She persevered reviewing each spike and drop in the data points with a meticulous eye. The midpoint of the date had one gigantic spike that she knew had been in response…

Technombie 3

When we last saw Senjina, she was silently urging the cab to go faster so she could review the results of her date before getting the emergency infoozian.  Gillian Bean’s crumpled form still remains to be found. Read Technombie 1…