My partner received a Google Home mini for the holidays this year. I was (and still am) pretty opposed to having it hooked up in our home. Sadly, I lost the argument. Over the weekend I watched with a mixture…
Category: True Confessions
Keeping Things Empty
One strategy I use to help secretly increase my productivity and keep my house clutter-free is to focus on keeping things empty. Naturally, this only applies to certain things, but when applied routinely it can be effective to make a…
Audio Navigation
Typically when I use a map app to get around, I prefer to type in the addresses, rather than relying on the location feature to pinpoint where I am. (Read more about why I do that here and here.) Since…
Summer Reading Update
In June 2018, I ambitiously decided to spend the summer getting through all the unread books in my bookcase. (Read about it here.) At the start of the project, I had 28 books to get through. I now have 22…
Banks and Automation
Although I’m usually pretty quick to adapt to new technologies and automation, I’ve been a holdout with the banks. The rare time I get a check, I still prefer to go into the bank and endorse it in front of…