Category: True Confessions

Personally Identifiable Information

As a Records and Information Management (RIM) professional, and a librarian, I’ve always been concerned about keeping private information protected. When working in RIM, I’m constantly evaluating the sensitivity of the information I’m managing to ensure proper safeguards are in…

Virtual Assistant or Virtual Spy

I last wrote about virtual assistants and using voice commands almost two years ago (Google Home). Since then, the quality and options have gotten much better. Now when I verbally dictate a message, the transcription is near perfect. This is…

Ramp Up for Spring Cleaning

This is my 250th post. Wow! To commemorate this special occasion, I’ve gone through my “archives” to highlight a couple posts geared specifically towards spring cleaning. I’m not sure what it is about spring that makes us want to clean,…

The Bane of the Backspace Button

I learned how to touch type over 25 years ago. I type fast, but I’ve developed a terrible habit of hitting backspace while I’m typing to correct mistakes on the go.  Rather than typing continuously and fixing mistakes later, I…

Information Curation

Over the holiday I started working on my digital scrapbook projects. It felt nice to review pictures of warmer times while listening to the wind howl outside my windows. I flipped through photos of vacations taken to sunny climates. Swimming.…