Category: Uncategorized

Technombie 2

Senjina silently urged the cab to hurry.  She hadn’t wanted to end the date early, but the mayor had just been accused of smoking crack.  As a result everybody was required to receive a special-issue infoozian.  Some mandatory, regulated thing…


A low-pitched gurgling noise escaped the ocean as she heaved her last strangled wave onto the beach.  Gillian Bean was the only person to witness it. She was sitting quietly on the sand at the shoreline near her home.  An…

Binge Watching

I’m always amazed at the difference Netflix has made to the experience of watching television. I remember as a child having to wait a whole week to watch an episode of a show I liked.  And if I had to…

The Basics of Reading a Book

I was initially resistant to using e-readers but once I made the switch in 2012 I was hooked.  The decision to purchase an e-reader instead of another device that would allow me e-reading capabilities was determined based on the following reasons: I prefer the…

Addicted to Speed

I recently read a book by Jack Kornfield called A Path with Heart: A Guide Through the Perils and Promises of Spiritual Life written in 1993.  In one of the chapters he talks about our addiction to speed.  Although this…