Category: True Confessions

Diagnosing Bad Habits

When I lived in NYC I developed a terrific habit of keeping my kitchen immaculate. The constant threat of vermin motivated me to make sure every dish was washed and every surface cleaned before going to bed. I haven’t lived…

Artful Procrastination

A friend of mine, after reading my previous posting on procrastination, commented that I was almost the complete opposite of her in how I managed to get tasks done. She was of the opinion that sometimes it was better to…

Am I Procrastinating?

Recently a friend of mine asked me on two separate occasions if I procrastinated.  At first I stuttered because I like to think of myself as someone that doesn’t procrastinate.  Time is precious and valuable to me so I’m always…

Spring Cleaning Challenge II

I caught a lucky break with my spring cleaning challenge.  The day after posting the challenge, I found a bookcase on the street while taking an early morning walk.  My body hurt for about two days from lugging the bookcase to…

Spring Cleaning Challenge

Procrastinating on some annoying clean project? If so, now is the time to get it done and potentially win a prize.  Everybody’s a winner! This posting is lucky #104, signifying two years of weekly posts!  To commemorate the event The Deletist is running a…