Category: True Confessions

The Construct of Privacy

I have to admit I’m pretty old fashioned when it comes to calling a cab.  Ideally, I would prefer to hail a cab on the street by waving my arm over any other method, even Uber.  A lot of people…

Old School Blues

After making the switch from paper books to an ereader I’m still not totally sold on the electronic version.  Despite the convenience of an ereader, some things are still easier and better in paper. FOOTNOTES I like to read footnotes and…

Getting Back on Track

It’s official.  I have dish gremlins.  It’s the only rational explanation left!  *sigh*  Despite my best efforts at reconditioning, I do still come home, or wake up, to this:   I deal with the full sink, full dish drainer scenario several…

Modifying Bad Habits

Last year I read a book called The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg.  One of the many things I learned is habits save us time and energy.  Doing something habitually spares our brains from constantly making decisions.  For example, when getting…