The pandemic has been a major disrupter. It’s unsettled almost every aspect of our lives in some way or another. As we’re heading into a second wave of the pandemic, it might seem strange to write about the promise of…
Category: True Confessions
The Murkiness of Mail-In Voting
Growing up, my father instilled a strong sense of the importance of voting. I remember as a small child accompanying my father to vote. From a distance, I watched him enter the voting booth and pull a lever to close…
How to Label Things Properly
While retrieving something from storage, I happened to notice a box in my neighbor’s cage. I read the label and instantly experienced three different, but distinct emotions. As a records and information management (RIM) professional, I inwardly groaned. Nobody would…
What to do When Your Smartphone Gets Wet
About four years after my smartphone and I took an unexpected dunk in Lake Ontario, I found myself in a similar situation. While in a shallow pool, my phone slipped from my fingers. Plunk – right in the water. Argh!…
Upping the Online Shopping Game
The pandemic caused swift changes. Some retailers had to move their businesses online practically overnight. They also had to rethink processes about getting goods to customers. And for many of them, their online resources were lacking. Shopping online is not…