Category: True Confessions

Monitoring Screen Time

After the technology companies invested so much time, energy and money into getting us all addicted to our gadgets and devices, now we’re all getting the message power down once in a while. That too much screen time is bad…

Virtual Assistant Revisited

My partner received a Google Home mini for the holidays this year. I was (and still am) pretty opposed to having it hooked up in our home. Sadly, I lost the argument. Over the weekend I watched with a mixture…

Keeping Things Empty

One strategy I use to help secretly increase my productivity and keep my house clutter-free is to focus on keeping things empty. Naturally, this only applies to certain things, but when applied routinely it can be effective to make a…

Audio Navigation

Typically when I use a map app to get around, I prefer to type in the addresses, rather than relying on the location feature to pinpoint where I am. (Read more about why I do that here and here.) Since…

Summer Reading Update

In June 2018, I ambitiously decided to spend the summer getting through all the unread books in my bookcase. (Read about it here.) At the start of the project, I had 28 books to get through. I now have 22…