For the last year or so I haven’t been able to keep my email inbox clean. It seems emails pile up by the dozens each time I check. Though imperfect, I’d always managed to keep my inbox under control. I…
Category: True Confessions
The Wordle Game Craze
I love word games. For months I kept hearing about Wordle, a new word game. People loved it. Finally, I decided to check out the fascination for myself. It seems simple. In reality, it requires some serious thought and provides…
Human Connection: The Little Things
This past weekend I finally got the chance to return a holiday gift. With all the pandemics, restricted capacities, and bad weather, it took a while. I hit the bathroom before driving home. On my way out of the restroom,…
Pandemic Failures: Testing
Almost two years into the pandemic and testing has failed, as Omicron surges. Where I live, we can’t get tests. This includes PCR and rapid antigen tests. To clarify, testing is available for a limited group of people who meet…
It’s Just Math
Against my better judgement, I went to a store on Christmas Eve to buy something. It wasn’t a gift, but something I wanted to start using over the extended break. When I entered the store, a worker informed me the…