Category: Google

Social Media and Political Ads

Recently Twitter and Google decided to ban political advertisements on their services. Facebook, however, decided to let users post them. Considering how influential social media can be, the two extreme policy decisions are interesting to consider. On the one hand,…

Audio Navigation

Typically when I use a map app to get around, I prefer to type in the addresses, rather than relying on the location feature to pinpoint where I am. (Read more about why I do that here and here.) Since…

Not Built for Deletion

A lot of apps that we use come equipped with default options to save everything. For example, removing the inbox label from an email in Gmail automatically results in the item being “archived.” Or with my iPad, when I delete…

Automating Email Replies

Over the past few months I’ve noticed some changes in my Gmail. The two changes are Smart Reply, where Gmail provides three canned responses, and Smart Compose, where Gmail suggests text to complete your sentences. One goal of both changes…