Category: Digital Dilemma

Internet of Things, part II

Recently I went shopping for appliances. I was overwhelmed with all the options, but space restrictions allowed me to quickly narrow down the list.  I was amazed at the number of “smart” appliances on display, all part of the Internet of Things.  For…

Memory Maker

Earlier this month, at a friend’s house, she read aloud a notification from Facebook informing her that at this time, on this date one year earlier, she had been at Bar X watching Band Q.  It made me think of how…

Amazon Dash Button

Early in 2015 Amazon released a new product/service called Amazon Dash, which allows people to order products directly from their homes.  Whenever a product, such as toilet paper or laundry detergent, is running low, the customer can order the product…

The Construct of Privacy

I have to admit I’m pretty old fashioned when it comes to calling a cab.  Ideally, I would prefer to hail a cab on the street by waving my arm over any other method, even Uber.  A lot of people…

Dad’s Faulkners

My father’s collection of Faulkner books was one of the first things I moved into my new apartment.  I moved the small box over by hand and placed it carefully on an empty shelf. My BA in literature was non-conventional and…