Operation: ER

Even if they could conceive naturally, the laws were hazy. Too many stored eggs already, people told them. Some of the most zealous referred to the eggs as “children.” People frowned upon natural conception with so many unborn and fertilized “children” awaiting birth. Year after year, waiting patiently and inert, nestled in their cryopreservation capsules. There were laws, and sometimes serious repercussions, for couples trying to bypass Operation: ER.

Clutching their hands together tightly, the couple stood before the Baby Designer Studio’s looming entryway. They discreetly scanned the area trying to glimpse the elusive orange-lit door the Thrinters used. With thirtieth birthdays approaching, time was running out for the couple to make a decision. Only young bodies could be used. Only young people would be considered for Operation:ER. However, the choices remained slim.

One option resulted in receiving an egg instead of an embryo. At least this possibility provided an opportunity for half the couple to fully participate. The other option, fertilized embryos, meant the couple could try to conceive on their own later. If, and only if, the embryos didn’t implant. With both options, couples had no choice about the age, quality, or really anything about the biological materials received. If an offer happened, they had to accept.

The female, in particular had to accept the presented option. Contractually, and in some cases willingly, offering up her uterus to “rescue” the unborn eggs, or embryos. People used other names to refer to the frozen eggs and fertilized embryos. A strategy used by many eager to appear on the moral “high road” with their virtuous acts to save” children.” Yet, the morality only went so far. To date, no pregnant women, nor any person storing eggs or embryos, received any financial assistance. So even though the law considered these eggs, or whatever they were called, to be “children,” they didn’t receive the benefits of one.

Each glanced at the other through a side eye. A silent reminder to stay calm. Take deep breaths. Steady the heart beat. Erratic feed readings could indicate instability or result in further testing. Was this really what they wanted? The pull for a family was strong, but was this the best way?

The female swallowed. Her saliva rasping noisily on the way down her throat. She squeezed her partner’s hand. “Operation Egg Retrieval, here we come,” she whispered, her foot stepping toward the entry.

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