The 600th Posting

Another milestone reached! Looking back at the last year of postings it would be hard to ignore the influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Politics. Almost every few posts features something related to, or impacted by, AI. This even includes the ways in which I’ve been experiencing it, first in the imaginary realm before IRL (that’s “in real life”). Though I have yet to use AI to create one of my blog posts. Somehow, I can’t make that leap yet.

The continuing technombie saga features Hanna unwinding with a swim in her Endless Pool. Her Augmented Reality goggles transport her to Ketchitan, Alaska. Though my own experience wearing Form 1 swim goggles was not quite as cool as projecting the Alaskan underwater scene in my gym’s pool, I was impressed.

As for politics, it would be hard to ignore the women’s rights issues plaguing the United States. The court case decision to allow a couple to claim damages to “children” when a clinic accidentally destroyed their fertilized eggs opens up all kinds of challenges. The post called “Operation ER” imagines a future where these “children” must be cared for. Couples wanting children must first do an egg retrieval and implant before attempting to get pregnant without clinic assistance.

In other issues, there were the strange happenings with the 2024 presidential election. No amount of technology could save that one! And of course, the alliance of the tech moguls with the new president, and rejecting all their obligations to manage their own social media outlets responsibly.

Even with all the fancy technology, shiny apps, and allure of AI, there’s something nice about an old-fashioned list. Though I’ve tried many apps to organize tasks, I sometimes resort to paper. And it usually does the trick! Easy, effective, reliable. Best of all, it’s simple to delete when I’ve finished everything on it.

In conclusion, here are a few favorites from the Human Archives series. Almost a year ago, we experienced a total solar eclipse, including a plate of “eclipse cookies” to munch on during the event. In the summer I went through a second bout with covid, one that temporarily took away my sense of smell. Luckily it came back, but I can tell it’s still not 100%. And finally, with all this cold winter weather and snowfall, it’s nice to recognize “The Comfort of Warmth.”

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