Category: Spring Cleaning

Review and Reliability

In last week’s posting I briefly mentioned the review, but didn’t go into a lot of detail about the importance of it.  Some years ago when I was still working a 9-5 job, I developed the habit of doing the weekly…

Springboard to Success

In 2015, the winner of my first spring cleaning challenge deleted over 30,000 emails.  Wow!  Two years later she still keeps her inbox tidy by regularly deleting unwanted emails and unsubscribing to promotionals. Read about it here. Since many of my posts focus…

Sprinting through Clutter

It seems I never have enough time in the day to do everything.  Things start to pile up and as my energy gets lower, I feel really unmotivated to do anything that is not critical.  I can keep going for…

Decluttering the Holiday

Around the holidays, it’s only natural for people to think about shopping for gifts.  As The Deletist, I’m always mindful of giving people stuff.  I work hard to make sure I’m not cluttering up my home with useless stuff.  I…