Category: Spring Cleaning

The Myth of Digital Storage

I finally ran out of space in my laptop. I purchased this particular laptop in 2017. To be fair, I’ve been accumulating, and purging things, for almost 20 years. So even though I’ve had this laptop for about 6 years,…

Purging Paper

I’m always amazed at how many piles of papers I seem to have laying around. Admittedly, some of them are historic. Papers created during an earlier time. A time when all (or most business) happened on paper. Or sometimes I…

Purging Bookmarks

I’ve had so many things bookmarked in my favorites bar for so long that I’ve started ignoring them. This, of course, negates the benefits of having favorite sites bookmarked. I suppose at one point or another, these links were important.…

Disposable Culture

Through a coordinated effort, several families on my street all participated in a giant tag sale. As we walked from sale to sale, I couldn’t stop thinking how hard it is to get rid of stuff. At one table, I…