Category: Social Media

Social Media and Fake News

For over a year, I’ve been reading about the proliferation of fake news on social media. My interest was first piqued when I read articles about people/companies using “chatbots” to automatically create and disseminate messages on social media channels (e.g.,…

Reality News

I remember how people really seemed to grieve in 2009 when Walter Cronkite died.  He was often referred to as “the most trusted man in America.”  From 1962-1981 he was the anchor for CBS Evening News.  During those years, his…


With so many people eager to capture, record, and track so many different aspects of their lives, it’s bound to infringe on other people’s privacy at some point.  Several years ago I might not have been that concerned about it.…


Wearable devices and new technological capabilities are increasing the ease with which people can participate in lifelogging, the act of capturing and recording every moment of your life, kind of like a diary.  The first time I heard about this in…

Reinforcing Social Connections

In late March I heard a story on CBC’s The Current about a scientist who studies a pod of sperm whales in the Caribbean.  One of his main areas of focus is how sperm whales communicate.  Through observation, the scientist…