Category: Social Media

Facebook Friends: A True Story

Some of you may recall from an earlier post, Facebook Friends, that I keep my friend count under 50. Recently, I ran into a former FB friend who didn’t make the cut and had been deleted months ago.  We exchanged pleasantries and then…

The Social Aspect of Sharing

Ironically enough, it seems to me that social media has turned sharing into an insular activity.  Never before can I know more about my friends, or share more with them, all by not having any direct contact. When I was…


Even before I joined Twitter, I was always fascinated by the hashtag.  I’m not sure where my fascination originated but it sounds cool and I definitely like hearing about how it’s becoming part of mainstream culture.  I’ve even heard celebrities…

Facebook Friends

Facebook. It’s everywhere. Even I’m on it.  Of course I joined, like so many other people, to be involved with a specific event.  Once the event was over, I was left with a Facebook account and a whole bunch of…