Category: Facebook

Disconnect to Connect

How ironic that we now need to “disconnect” to “connect.”  By disconnect, I mean disengaging ourselves from the addictive hold of our devices and social media feeds. When social media started to become a “thing” about 10 years ago, I…

Reality News

I remember how people really seemed to grieve in 2009 when Walter Cronkite died.  He was often referred to as “the most trusted man in America.”  From 1962-1981 he was the anchor for CBS Evening News.  During those years, his…

Memory Maker

Earlier this month, at a friend’s house, she read aloud a notification from Facebook informing her that at this time, on this date one year earlier, she had been at Bar X watching Band Q.  It made me think of how…

The Dying Art of Friendship

Earlier this year I stumbled across an article from 2012 entitled “Friends of a Certain Age: Why is it Hard to Make Friends Over 30?“.  As I get older I find that my definition of friendship has been adjusted to…

Tracking Toxic Relationships

I recently heard about a new app called pplkpr, pronounced “people keeper”, to help you keep track of your emotions when interacting with people.  It’s designed to help you discover patterns and trends in your emotional state based on who…