In 2013, I reluctantly switched over from using a paper planner to relying solely on an electronic calendar for managing my schedule. My rational mind fully understands, and appreciates, all the many perks and conveniences I get by using an electronic…
Category: Digital Dilemma
Text Neck
Recently I heard a news story on CBC about the occurrence of text neck. The article was describing how many people get it because they are always looking down at their phones. This results in the neck remaining in an…
Computers Don’t Do Nuance
I’ve noticed that as a species, we seem to give a lot of credit to computers and technology for all of their marvelous capabilities. Often we do this without realizing that humans are responsible for all the design, development, and programming.…
Aural Discrimination
During the pre-op for my LASIK surgery, one of my only questions was when would I be getting the valium. The technician laughed and told me that nobody acted brave for this surgery. He then said if it was a…
Watching the Election: In RT
Last week I watched the US Elections at a bar with a few friends. The bar supplied me with Dark and Stormies* throughout the long evening. It’s been my official election night cocktail since 2004. To pass the time between the…