Category: Digital Dilemma

Reality News

I remember how people really seemed to grieve in 2009 when Walter Cronkite died.  He was often referred to as “the most trusted man in America.”  From 1962-1981 he was the anchor for CBS Evening News.  During those years, his…

Speaking in Emoji

I can’t help but notice how common it is to use emoji (maybe even instead of punctuation, gasp) to express emotions, along with a whole host of other things.  The Merriam Webster online dictionary defines emoji as: “any of various…

Implied Consent

I’ve become leery of attending events because it’s becoming normalized to give my “implied consent” for the host to use pictures/video of me as an attendee.  For example, in December 2016 I attended an event at the Royal Ontario Museum [ROM]…

Planning: Old School Style

In 2013, I reluctantly switched over from using a paper planner to relying solely on an electronic calendar for managing my schedule.  My rational mind fully understands, and appreciates, all the many perks and conveniences I get by using an electronic…

Text Neck

Recently I heard a news story on CBC about the occurrence of text neck.  The article was describing how many people get it because they are always looking down at their phones.  This results in the neck remaining in an…