Category: Digital Dilemma

Totally Tethered

Last week, as I was setting up for a meeting, I felt a twinge of annoyance at the reliance we have on cables, cords, and power outlets. Despite the high-tech, wireless option available for projecting in the meeting room, I…

Personally Identifiable Information

As a Records and Information Management (RIM) professional, and a librarian, I’ve always been concerned about keeping private information protected. When working in RIM, I’m constantly evaluating the sensitivity of the information I’m managing to ensure proper safeguards are in…

Virtual Assistant or Virtual Spy

I last wrote about virtual assistants and using voice commands almost two years ago (Google Home). Since then, the quality and options have gotten much better. Now when I verbally dictate a message, the transcription is near perfect. This is…

The Golden Killer

In recent weeks I’ve been reading articles about the capture of the “Golden State Killer.” The killer eluded the police for decades. He was finally identified after a detective uploaded the killer’s DNA onto a genealogy website to locate him…