As online content proliferates, searching for something becomes harder, yet easier at the same time. The hard part is figuring out what exactly you’re looking for and the best place to look for it. The easy part is typing in…
Category: Digital Dilemma
There’s an App for Everything!
About 10 years ago I wrote a post “There’s an App for that.” Back then it seemed that no matter what I wondered about or pondered, there was an app for it. Or the promise of one coming. Whether I…
Making the Most of the Hybrid Workplace
There have been new developments since my previous post on the hybrid workplace in December 2021. Back then, we had only started our two-day a week pilot. Little did I know that right after that post went live, another lockdown…
Accidental Ammunition for the Infowars
I’ve been checking in on the trials against Alex Jones for a while. I still recall where I was when I first heard about Sandy Hook. Horrified and shocked by the shooting, I almost had to leave work early that…
The Customer Experience Saga Continues
Almost a week after I submitted the photos for my accident claim, the auto body shop finally received them. By good old fashioned email! I was stunned. After that streamlined, efficient app experience, I really had high expectations. Though we…