Category: Deletion

Spring Cleaning Challenge II

I caught a lucky break with my spring cleaning challenge.  The day after posting the challenge, I found a bookcase on the street while taking an early morning walk.  My body hurt for about two days from lugging the bookcase to…

Spring Cleaning Challenge

Procrastinating on some annoying clean project? If so, now is the time to get it done and potentially win a prize.  Everybody’s a winner! This posting is lucky #104, signifying two years of weekly posts!  To commemorate the event The Deletist is running a…

Tracking Toxic Relationships

I recently heard about a new app called pplkpr, pronounced “people keeper”, to help you keep track of your emotions when interacting with people.  It’s designed to help you discover patterns and trends in your emotional state based on who…

I Forgot It for a Reason

I often don’t give my brain enough credit for the processing it does each day.  When I fail to remember something important I’m quick to be self-critical, chastising my brain for forgetting.  But this doesn’t take into account the thousands…